Tips to Minimize Arguments During the CA Divorce Process

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyTensions are always especially high during the divorce process, and the odds of amicable discussions are slim to none. In fact, it’s much more likely for you and the ex to break out into an argument, whether you’re working through your divorce via mediation, having a quick meeting with both lawyers present, or squaring up in a courtroom hearing. 

While it’s completely understandable that you may want to yell at the ex for a bit and get into a confrontation, this type of engagement is more likely to harm rather than help the divorce process. For today’s post we’re looking at ways to push past your instinct and focus on productive, amicable discussions between you, the ex, and all other involved parties. 

Consider Limiting Verbal Communications

Even when tempers aren’t a major concern, we always tout the advantages of communicating via writing rather than verbally. For one, it can help keep a record and minimize the chances of any misunderstandings or incorrect interpretations. And just as importantly, it’s a useful workaround when you or the ex can’t stand each other and may be inclined to go straight to a shouting match. 

Keep Your Eye on the Prize and Think of the Long-Term

When emotions run high, it can be hard to stay focused on the long-term. Remember, the outcome of your divorce can impact your financial and personal life for years, as well as that of any involved children. If you find yourself struggling with the temptation to lash out or argue, try to visualize your ideal outcome and focus on what it might take to achieve that. In most cases, mutual cooperation is a more effective way to work through a divorce. 

Rise Above Even when the Ex Refuses to Do So

We can’t control how others act or behave, and this is doubly true when it comes to a combative ex. You can however control how you react to their actions, something that you need to keep in mind when the ex tries to pick a fight. Even if they get mean or nasty, make sure to stay calm and rise above it for the sake of everyone involved. If anything, this will only paint him or her in a more negative light during the divorce proceedings. 

Rely on an Attorney to Handle Your Affairs

Finally, leave the heavy lifting to a qualified professional, someone who can manage everything from your communications to the actual legal paperwork involved in your California divorce. A seasoned family law attorney can protect you from a combative ex and ensure that your rights, as well as those of your children, are not trampled upon. 

At the White Oak Law, we’ve spent decades helping clients in and around California manage their divorce proceedings. Our expertise spans divorce, child custody, alimony, and every other facet of family law in CA. 

Call us today to connect with our team of legal professionals. Reach out to our offices at 925-271-0999 to book an initial consultation.