Nurturing Your Self Confidence After Your Divorce

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyDiscussions involving divorce often focus on the legal and financial challenges that a separating couple might expect to face. Likewise, much of a person’s mind might be focused on custody issues or other family law disputes, and for good reason. However, it’s also important to focus on your mental and emotional well-being. 

Divorce is one of the most emotionally impactful events that a person can experience. However, despite the initial struggle, many people are often happier with time, once they’ve settled into their new lives. Today, we’re looking at ways that you can keep your confidence and overall levels of happiness at healthy levels as you navigate and deal with difficult divorce procedures in CA.

Exercise is Vital

Perhaps some of the most oft-repeated advice, but there’s a reason for that. The benefits of physical activity on overall mood and depression levels can be staggering. A healthy body is a healthy mind, and you owe it to yourself to dedicate some time for physical activities throughout the week. Find one that works for you, whether you prefer to walk or jog, would rather hit the weights, or enjoy other activities such as swimming and sports. Whatever your exercise of choice may be, don’t overlook this important part of your self-care routine.

Take Time to Groom and Feel Pride in Your Personal Appearance

It’s not uncommon for personal grooming and other self-care activities to take a backseat during your CA divorce, or any other emotionally-challenging times. Don’t feel bad if you find yourself slipping on this, but do make a conscious effort to slowly re-prioritize grooming and looking good. Getting a new haircut or a fresh set of clothes could be a good way to boost your confidence and have you feeling more hopeful for the future. 

Talk to and Connect with Others

Navigating challenging times by yourself is infinitely more difficult, and you shouldn’t hesitate to reach out and talk with others as needed. Make sure you’re making an effort to maintain close relationships, but also consider a dedicated divorce support group. This can let you share and connect with others who may be able to more closely relate to and understand what you’re going through, and having others by your side can be crucial in keeping you moving forward.

Prioritize Health and Happiness With Your Decisions

It’s difficult to rack up the motivation to do anything when you’re feeling overwhelmed or depressed. Either way, you have to put the effort where you can. Make time for your hobbies, go out and explore when possible, and make conscious decisions to do things that make you happy. Keeping busy truly does help one move past hard times, and keeping busy with things that actively make you happy is a surefire way to get your confidence and levels of optimism up and boosted. 

Do You Have Any Questions for Our CA Divorce Attorneys?

We hope these tips proved helpful as you navigate your CA divorce! If you have any further questions about any matters relating to family law in CA, know that we at the White Oak Law are here to help. Give us a call at 925-271-0999 today to learn more about how we can help, and to schedule an initial consultation today.