Getting Married Again: Challenges You May Face as a Remarried Couple

Pleasanton CA famiy lawAfter a divorce, it’s only natural for folks to want to jump back into the dating pool once they feel up for it. Even less surprising, it’s not uncommon for divorced individuals to remarry and give the idea of ever-lasting love another chance. 

The dream is certainly real for many remarried couples, but the divorce statistics do paint a troubling picture: remarried couples have a 60% divorce rate, which is higher than the divorce rate for first-time marriages. 

What factors contribute to this higher divorce rate, and what can a remarried couple do to try and set themselves up for success? Today’s post is a deeper look into these questions, as well as guidance on how to navigate life as a recently remarried couple.

Child Custody Issues and Parent-Child Complications

Existing children from other marriages are often a source of tension and conflict for many remarried couples. Potential sources of complications include matters such as existing custody orders, the influence of another household over your own, and the complications of navigating a step-parent/step-child dynamic.

These conflicts are often further heightened if only one of the spouses has children from another marriage. This might cause the childless partner to feel resentment at having to navigate such complex challenges. 

Tension and Conflict with Exes and Other Involved Parties

Baggage from a previous relationship, especially one as significant as a marriage, is always going to be part of the equation in a new relationship. Many exes like to introduce problems or act in ways that are hostile or contentious, which can further drive conflict inward into the remarried couple’s life. In some cases it’s not even the ex themselves, but other members or friends of their household who insist on introducing conflict and hostility.

Many Remarried Couples Move Too Fast

One other major factor to consider does not involve other people, but rather the remarried couple themselves. Many divorced people move very quickly, perhaps in an attempt to replace or regain what they feel they have lost. Other times, it’s simply a rebound situation that slowly evolved into a more committed relationship. 

Jumping quickly into a relationship can work for some people, but others might need more time to heal and process their divorce before they are properly ready to jump into another lifelong commitment. 

Fostering a Successful Remarriage

Given the number of factors that are potentially at play, it can be difficult to create a surefire plan that will set you both up for success. That said, there are a few steps you can take on the personal and legal side of things to create a few safeguards and help set expectations.

First, make sure you both fully understand your own and each other’s legal and parental responsibilities. You both need to know what to expect and accept each other’s individual circumstances which can include full or split custody of children from a previous marriage as well as any complications that may come from that. 

The most important step however is to ensure that both of you take the time to sit down with a family law attorney before you tie the knot or make any significant legal decisions. A dedicated attorney can act as a trusted advisor who can help you both account for any and all variables, including ongoing legal disputes with an ex or potential modifications of a previous custody agreement.

Talk to a dedicated family law attorney in CA today! Count on us at White Oak Law, where our seasoned family law attorneys take the time to fully understand your legal needs, as well as the needs of your family and loved ones. Call us today at 925-271-0999 to schedule an initial consultation.