Confronting a Cheater: How to Best Prep for Your CA Divorce

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyFinding out that your spouse or partner is cheating on you can be devastating. The severity of the betrayal at the hands of your partner can be highly traumatic. Unfortunately, finding out about any infidelity is just the beginning of a long process for many who are looking to leave their unfaithful spouse. 

Preparing for an upcoming separation and divorce can be challenging during the best of times. It may feel downright impossible with the weight of the affair haunting one’s mind. That said, plenty of people who divorce their cheating spouse have managed to get through this process, and so can you. 

Today, we’re looking at several key pieces of advice that you should keep in mind as you navigate your upcoming CA divorce, as well as any other disputes involving family law in CA.

Stay Calm and Make Deliberate, Calculated Decisions

Above all, don’t let your emotions overwhelm you, and ask for assistance from a trusted friend or relative if possible. You may be tempted to confront your spouse about their betrayal, but it’s important that you make a plan first. Navigate the following pieces of advice and draw a roadmap before taking any actions. It’s understandable to be distraught and unfocused, so remember to lean in to those you can trust to help you get everything sorted. 

Gather and Back Up All Evidence of the Affair

If you’ve managed to collect any evidence of the cheating, now is the time to make sure you have it saved and backed up. While CA is a no fault divorce state, this type of evidence can still have implications during processes such as child custody or asset division. This is especially true if said affair impacted the shared finances, potentially placed a child’s wellbeing at risk, and more. 

Collect All Key Financial Documents

Once you confront your spouse, they are likely to try to lock you out of accounts and hide any evidence of their wrongdoings, including any spending habits pointing to their actions. Get ahead of things by ensuring that you access and save all financial documents and records before you confront your spouse. 

Consult With a Trusted CA Divorce Attorney

Don’t wait until after you’ve had the talk to go out and seek your own legal counsel. A qualified family law attorney can leverage their expertise to help you prepare for divorce proceedings from beginning to end. This includes helping you plan logistics around confronting your spouse, actions to take before and after you file for divorce, and more. 

An attorney is a key piece of your preparation plan. At the White Oak Law, we fight for our clients and their needs in all matters relating to family law in CA. Whether you’re looking to divorce a cheating spouse, want to explore your options about child custody or alimony modifications, or have any questions at all relating to family law, know that we are here to help. 

Call us today to book an appointment with our team of family law attorneys. Give us a call at  925-271-0999, where our team of CA family lawyers is standing by to help you discuss your legal needs and options.