Gaslighting in your CA Divorce: Signs to Look Out For

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyThe term gaslighting has gained momentum over the years, and the term itself has become part of everyday usage. As is often the case with many widely-used terms, the definition of gaslighting can be a bit loose depending on how it is being utilized in conversations. That said, gaslighting is a specific concept with a well-defined definition.

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Fighting For Full Custody in CA? Here Are Some Tips to Follow

Pleasanton CA Child Custody attorneyTrying to attain full custody in California is often an uphill battle. As we’ve covered in previous blog posts, the state of California will always push for shared custody, as it has been demonstrated that having both parents actively engaged in a child’s upbringing is beneficial for not just the child, but for all involved parties as well. The courts will sometimes grant full custody, but only if and when the circumstances dictate that this is the best course of action for the child. 

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What to Do When Your Child Resists Custody Orders in CA

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyFor divorced parents, navigating custody orders can be challenging enough on its own. It can be especially difficult or frustrating when your child is reluctant or actively fights any established custody orders that may be in place. Perhaps they don’t like spending time with the other parent, or maybe they’re simply overwhelmed from the constant changes and overall stress caused by the divorce

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Why Do I Need a Lawyer for my Uncontested Divorce in CA?

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyDivorce costs time and money, and perhaps unsurprisingly most people prefer to finalize a divorce as quickly as possible. When a California couple agrees to an uncontested divorce, this can further speed things along. This is because, as the name implies, uncontested divorce is a process where both parties agree to the terms of a divorce ahead of time.

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Dressing For Your Divorce or Family Law Hearing in CA

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyFamily law hearings and divorce proceedings in California are involved and stressful affairs. The future of yourself, as well as your loved ones, hangs in the balance and it’s important that you prepare from every angle. We often discuss specific areas relating to family law in CA, but it’s just as important to cover adjacent and equally important topics involving divorce prep. 

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