Child Custody Can be Impacted by a Busy Work Schedule

Pleasanton CA family law attorneyThese days, people find themselves working more and more to ensure success in their career. In addition, having a “side hustle” is only becoming more and more common as the cost of living continues to skyrocket. While a busy work schedule is a great way to help you maintain financial stability and ensure continued professional growth, the unfortunate reality is that family law courts might not view your dedication to work quite so favorably.

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Dispelling Myths about Domestic Violence

Pleasanton CA family law attorneyDomestic violence is a pressing issue across all of California, one that we’ve decided to take some time and discuss in our latest blog post. Tragically, instances of domestic abuse are largely underreported, which means that the problem is less visible and difficult to combat.

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Pet Custody and You: How Does it Work in California?

Pleasanton CA family law attorneyMost of us love our pets and consider them an essential part of our family. So when a divorce occurs and couples find themselves having to figure out who gets to keep Fido, things can quickly get contentious. We at the White Oak Law are passionate about our furry companions, and decided to take the time to discuss pet custody in this post.

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Why Establishing Paternity in California Matters

Pleasanton CA child custodyMany don’t realize just how important it is to establish paternity, at least not until the unexpected happens. In California, establishing paternity carries many benefits to children and parents alike, and is not something that should be overlooked. This post goes over some of the more important reasons to establish paternity. If you have any additional questions, we encourage you to reach out to us directly to learn more.

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