Ask a California Divorce Attorney: Busting Alimony Myths

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyAlimony continues to be one of those topics that seem to confuse everyone, and the falsehoods that we’ve heard have spread like wildfire. So for this post, we wanted to combat some of these misconceptions and expose a few “facts” about alimony that are inaccurate or not always universally true. Remember, we’re just a phone call away so if you want more in-depth advice, you can always reach out to us directly at the White Oak Law. For now, here are some of the biggest myths about alimony that we continue to hear day after day.

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How Does Self Employment Impact Family Law Issues in California?

Pleasanton CA famiy lawThese days, more and more people have jumped on the self-employment bandwagon in order to gain increased financial freedom. Some see this as a response to stagnating wages that don’t keep up with inflation, while others consider this as a byproduct of the internet, which has enabled people to conduct business from just about anywhere.

Whatever the case may be, the thing to remember is that self-employment can impact your divorce proceedings, child custody disputes, and other family law matters in California. This blog post provides a brief rundown of how this works, serving as a guide for self-employed individuals currently involved with any of these types of issues.  

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Ask a California Divorce Attorney: Keeping the Details of Your Divorce Private

Divorce is a challenging matter as-is, and it is only made worse by the Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyprospect that your private marital affairs are going to become public. Nobody wants their private matters to become inspiration for gossip, and we at the White Oak Law understand that privacy is a top concern for many clients.

Fortunately, there’s a few options worth exploring, primarily those that can be achieved via mediation. This post goes over the ways in which litigation exposes your affairs to the public eye, and how you can rely on mediation to mitigate these risks.

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