Will My Ex’s Student Loans Impact My Divorce Proceedings?

Pleasanton CA family law attorneyCollege debt continues to be a major burden for Americans everywhere, and recents stats have shown that most college grads carry over $30,000 in debt by the time they hit the workforce. This can complicate things in marriages and divorce proceedings because, as we have seen time and time again, finances are often a major source of resentment and conflict between spouses.

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How Virtual Visitation Helps Divorced Parents Bridge the Gap with Their Kids

Pleasanton CA family law attorneyAfter a divorce, many parents report that the biggest challenge they face is the distance that often forms between parents and their children, especially when the other parent holds primary custody. This distance can be an obstacle when trying to formulate an effective parenting plan, and even when parents are willing to work together, physical distance makes logistics that much more difficult to work out.

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