Tips for Teens and Older Children Impacted by Divorce

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyMost of our blogs are geared towards adults and parents, but teenagers also have to endure traumatic events such as divorce and major transitions in the family. For this post, we decided to compile a set of tips geared for younger readers. Major life events such as the separation of parents can be especially traumatic for younger adults, and it’s important to acknowledge this as they often feel alone and lost while their parents continue feuding.

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How do I Choose the Right Lawyer for My Divorce?

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyAs many of our clients have experienced firsthand, protecting your interests is imperative during divorce proceedings in California. The attorney that you choose to represent you will play a large role in shaping the outcome of your case, and the decision of who to retain as your legal representation should not be taken lightly.

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Cohabitation Agreements in California

Pleasanton CA famiy lawCohabitation between unmarried partners is on the rise across the United States. Many couples are choosing to live together without formally getting married, and those who do want to get married often see cohabitation as the first step towards marriage.

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Student Loan Debt is a Destructive Force to Marriages Across the Nation

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyNobody said marriage was easy. Navigating some of life’s hardest challenges with another person can be difficult, especially when it involves finances and the burden of debt. This is only made worse by the fact that, on average, young people are burdened by even more debt than previous generations.

What this translates to is more complications, more fights, and more divorces. For this post, we’re talking about the ways in which student loan debt continues to impact marriages across the nation, as well as covering a few ways that can help you and your partner maintain a strong relationship even in the face of financial adversity.

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