How Divorcing an Addict Can Carry Additional Challenges

Pleasanton CA family law attorneyAddiction is a difficult struggle not just for the addict, but for his/her loved ones as well. We often see the toll that addiction takes on a marriage, and in many cases the problem only gets worse over time. In some cases, people are able to fight their addiction via approaches such as 12 step programs, but unfortunately relapses happen and the cycle continues.

At some point, a person has to choose between staying with a spouse who is suffering from a worsening addiction, or leave the marriage for their own sake. For today’s post, we want to take a look at the unique struggles and challenges faced by someone who is trying to leave a marriage where addiction is a problem.

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Transgender Adoption in California

Pleasanton CA family law attorneyMaking the choice to adopt a child can be an exciting and sometimes stressful process for those who want to become parents. There’s extensive paperwork involved for opposite sex and same sex couples alike and then a potentially long waiting period for an answer. The couple wanting to adopt will also have to go through an intense interviewing process to make sure everything checks out from a legal stance in order to be considered fit for parenting. Given all this red tape, what does this mean for those who identify as transgender and who are also wanting to adopt?

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