Divorce Statistics: Who is Getting Divorced These Days?

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyFollowing up on our last blog post, today we wanted to look at the statistics from a different angle. Today’s post is a look at what the average couple that is getting divorced consists of.

Of course, note that we’re only looking at this from a general statistics perspective. Everyone’s situation is unique and we at the White Oak Law understand that a one-size fits all approach does not work when it comes to divorce.

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Are Divorce Rates Climbing or Decreasing?

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyThese days, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction when it comes to certain discussions. Divorce is no exception, and you’ll find countless claims based on a plethora of studies from all over the world.

In an attempt to paint a more cohesive picture, we’ve decided to look at the statistics as compiled by experts. In other words, this summary is based on an analysis of all of these studies.

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