Helping Children Stay Safe While on Social Media

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyThese days, everyone seems to be aware of the dangers of social media. Despite this, social media use is increasingly on the rise, with recent estimates placing social media users at around 3.78 billion people.

Social media is used by people from all age groups, but these figures can sometimes skew towards younger demographics. For today’s post, we’re discussing ways you can help your children practice good habits and stay safe while using social media, especially if you and your loved ones are currently going through any divorce or family law issues. 

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Should I Share Details About my Divorce to my Therapist?

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyDivorce can be difficult on everyone including yourself, your children, and other loved ones. Even if this isn’t your first divorce, the psychological effects of going through the divorce process cannot be understated, and it’s not uncommon for people to experience depression, anger, and in some cases post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Trusts and Divorce: How do I Protect These Assets During a Divorce?

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyTrusts are a key way for people to protect their wealth and assets from generation to generation. Whether you’re looking to pass decades of wealth or perhaps a more humble sum to your kids and other relatives, trusts are effective at ensuring the money goes where you want it to go. 

However, divorce can throw more than a few wrenches into this equation. How can you ensure that someone doesn’t walk off with half of what is rightfully yours and your family’s? The answer isn’t entirely straightforward, and a lot of it depends on your specific circumstances. For example, two major factors are the language and the timing used in your trust. 

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Does Assisted Reproduction Impact Parental Rights in CA?

Pleasanton CA famiy lawThere are times when couples resort to assisted reproduction in order to have a child. Whether they opt for a sperm donor or or an ova donor, there are many key decisions that soon-to-be parents must make as they prepare for this new journey. 

One question that often pops to mind, at least in relation to family law in CA, is how this might impact or influence parental rights, either at the point of birth or later down the line. Today’s post seeks to answer just that, where we’ll be looking into how parental rights work when assisted reproduction is part of the equation.

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