Pet Custody in California: What Does the Law Say in 2025?

Pleasanton CA famiy lawThe concept of pet custody in California family law has evolved over time. Recent changes have added much more nuance and complexity to pet parents that are getting divorced and feuding over who gets to take the pets with them. After all, people love their pets and often regard them as core members of the family unit. It’s not too surprising to see folks get into heated arguments and even propose shared pet custody arrangements. 

As for the law itself, it’s quite friendly to these types of discussions. Read on to learn more about recent pet custody changes in CA. 

Pets Are More Than Just Property During Divorce Proceedings

For a long time, CA family law simply regarded pets as physical possessions, no different than any piece of furniture in your home. This meant that they were lumped in with all other assets during asset division, and ultimately end up with 1 of the parties depending on how all other properties are split. 

However, as of 2019, the laws were updated to account for the love and bond that many folks have with their pets. Under these new regulations, pet custody laws were enacted which work similarly to child custody laws. The new laws even allowed for shared custody or visitation in cases where it might make sense to do so. 

What Should I Do If I’m Navigating Pet Custody Issues?

Pet custody disputes often play out similarly to child custody disputes, although with a different lens. When pet parents disagree as to where the pet should go, the family law courts take time to examine the situation. They consider factors such as who acted as the primary caregiver for the pet, as well as who is demonstrating the most willing commitment to provide and do what’s best for the pet. 

Reach Out to the White Oak Law Today For More Help

If you’re worried about how your pet custody issue might play out in your upcoming divorce, the choice is simple: reach out to a family law attorney as soon as possible to think about your options and consider a gameplan. 

Pet custody disputes are not quite as intensive as child custody cases, but they do carry their own nuances and it’s important to trust a qualified professional. At The White Oak Law, our team of legal pros is here to answer any questions you may have. Call us today at 925-271-0999 to learn more about what we can do for you in regards to your CA family law matters.