Key Factors that Are Used to Calculate Spousal Support in CA

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyWhen a marriage comes to an end, a number of important terms need to be finalized before a couple can walk away from each other for good. One of these is alimony, which determines the amount (if any) that a spouse needs to pay the other person, as well as the duration that these payments will last. 

As you move towards your divorce, you may be wondering how your alimony arrangement may end up looking. While it’s difficult to make an accurate projection ahead of time, you can weigh the relevant factors to get an idea of what to expect. As always, you should consult with a CA divorce attorney for specific guidance but for now here’s some general info to keep in mind. 

The Length of the Marriage

The duration of the marriage is a major factor when courts calculate alimony payments. A marriage that lasts 10 years or longer are considered long-term. Anything shorter than this is considered short-term. Long-term marriages can carry alimony payments that last years to possibly indefinitely. In comparison, short-term alimony arrangements usually last half the duration of the marriage 

The Earning Capacity of Each Parent

One of the biggest factors sits with the earning potential of each partner after the divorce. Alimony will often be geared to ensuring that each party can maintain the quality of life that they had during the marriage, at least for the short-term. Depending on how much each spouse makes or can make, this can influence the amount of alimony awarded to one spouse.

Specific Contributions to the Marriage

Each spouse’s contribution to the overall marriage, and not just financial ones either. This can include things such as whether one spouse stayed at home to raise children, whether another spouse was able to progress their career with the help of the other spouse, and more. 

Consult with a Family Law Attorney

Once you consider these factors, you may have a better idea of what to expect as you approach your upcoming divorce proceedings. You can learn more about this topic, as well as any other family law matter in CA, by reaching out to our team of professionals directly. 

Call the White Oak Law today by reaching out to our offices at 925-271-0999. Our team of compassionate and skilled family law attorneys are standing by to address any and all of your concerns.