Why is My CA Divorce So Slow? Tips to Expedite Things

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyDivorce is never easy. It’s a highly emotionally challenging event, involves a lot of rapid life changes, and it can quickly spiral out of control in terms of costs and time spent. This can feel highly demoralizing, and there can be frustrating periods of complete radio silence from the courts or the other party. 

Most people agree: the sooner the divorce finalizes, the faster they can move on with their lives. If your divorce is proceeding at an excruciatingly slow pace, here’s a few tips you can consider that might help things move along. 

First, Confirm Whether There is a Problem

The first suggestion we have is for you to take a breath and ask yourself whether there is an actual problem, or whether things are moving along at the usual pace. In general, divorces take anywhere from 12 to 18 months to wrap up, though additional variables may extend things longer. 

You can likely assume that there is no problem as long as you’re staying up to date with all family court dates, and/or if you and the ex are in open communication and moving things along. That said, after 12 to 18 months of no meaningful updates, you may want to follow up with your attorney or with the family law court that is managing your case. 

Try to Collaborate or Compromise

To our earlier point, many proceedings often take longer than expected because ex-partners are unwilling or unable to work with one another. Divorce is a contentious process after all, but if you can get the ex to work with you on any or all of the divorce terms, this can help expedite matters. If you’re not having luck by negotiating directly, consider looking to a mediator who can help you both discuss terms in a more neutral and comfortable setting. 

Remember that CA Family Law Courts are Backlogged

Finally, it’s worth noting that the family law court, as well as the court systems in general, are backlogged and dealing with heavy volumes or work. This is especially true in light of the 2021 COVID pandemic, with many courtrooms still scrambling to catch up. 

Consult the Aid of a Qualified CA Divorce Attorney

If you need help moving your case along, or if you have any other questions or concerns relating to family law in CA, know that you can count on us at the White Oak Law. Call our seasoned attorneys today at 925-271-0999 and schedule a consultation today.