The Potential Effects of Divorce on Your Mental Health

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyA divorce can shake your reality and sense of stability to its core. In addition to the emotional and financial distress that comes with such a major life event, there are many ways that a divorce can impact your overall mental health. After all, you’re losing a shared life with a partner that you planned to spend the rest of your life with. This can be emotionally devastating to anyone, even if you initiated the divorce on your end. 

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Accepting the End of Your Marriage and Moving Forward

Pleasanton CA divorce prenuptial attorneyNobody gets married with the intention of getting a divorce, and it can be devastating to think about the end of something that you truly expected would last a lifetime. Unfortunately, we can’t always control when things or other people change, and perhaps your relationship no longer feels the same. Either you or your partner are more distant, there’s more arguing and contempt, or perhaps they have engaged in behaviors that push your boundaries or are disrespectful in nature. 

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