Pet Custody in California: What Does the Law Say in 2025?

Pleasanton CA famiy lawThe concept of pet custody in California family law has evolved over time. Recent changes have added much more nuance and complexity to pet parents that are getting divorced and feuding over who gets to take the pets with them. After all, people love their pets and often regard them as core members of the family unit. It’s not too surprising to see folks get into heated arguments and even propose shared pet custody arrangements. 

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What If My Spouse Doesn’t Want to Get a Divorce?

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyFor most folks on the brink of divorce, the decision is not one that they make lightly, and is often the result of months of thinking and planning. However, the other party might not be quite so prepared once the news hits them. In some cases, your spouse may downright fight the idea and may do everything in his or her power to stop you from getting divorced.

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Can an Arrest Impact My Child Custody Rights in CA

Pleasanton CA Child Custody attorneyWhen it comes to custody arrangements after a divorce, the family law courts will usually try to work with both parents to try and find a plan that works for all involved parties. If disputes arise, the courts may step in to create an arrangement that best fits the interests of the child. Generally, the goal is to ensure that the child is able to spend time with both parents as circumstances allow. 

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