Why is My CA Divorce So Slow? Tips to Expedite Things

Pleasanton CA divorce attorneyDivorce is never easy. It’s a highly emotionally challenging event, involves a lot of rapid life changes, and it can quickly spiral out of control in terms of costs and time spent. This can feel highly demoralizing, and there can be frustrating periods of complete radio silence from the courts or the other party. 

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How CA Restraining Orders Can Help Protect You

Pleasanton CA famiy lawAre you dealing with abuse or harm from a partner, soon-to-be-ex, or any other party involved in your CA family law dispute? Whatever form the abuse may take, from intimidation to harassment or even physical or sexual abuse, you deserve safety and protection from said actions. The family law courts can provide legally-binding restrictions on guilty parties and you have the right to request this via a restraining order.

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